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Support Us

The Guild of Future Architects (GoFA) is a 501c3 organization that supports intersectional collaborations to build a more beautiful world for more people. We are a home, refuge and resource for those shaping a kind, just, inclusive, and prosperous future.

Contributions to GoFA support three core areas: Community of Practice, Shared Future Programs, and Collective Wisdom Platform. Together, these offerings provide vital infrastructure for future architects working to move our systems and societies forward.

Community of Practice

Build strong communities and curate deep connections to drive collective action

Shared FuturesProgram

Invest in systems-changing ideas and endeavors

Collective Wisdom Platform

Share tools and insights that emerge from our practice

  • "Building a collective to promote values of courage, justice and respect requires the manifestation of those values in every practice of organization and work. The art of Guild leadership was the adroit way that partners in the Summit - all leaders in our own organizations - were invited into a collaborative process through which we relinquished our own institutional biases and habits, to co-create a collective premised upon shared values. The result was deeply satisfying for us all."

    Ellyn M. Toscano, J.D., LL.M.
    Senior Director Programming, Partnerships and Community Engagement at New York University
  • "The guild is essentially a party of ideas and action for creating a more beautiful future. Every member is someone who is transcending conventional thinking and making change across countless disciplines and industries. I love learning from this group and co-conspiring to build new possibilities."

    Jen Brandel (member)
  • "It is an exhilarating and profound experience to be collaborating with the Guild on what was to be a 5 month long Futurist Writers Room: Collective Imagination In Deep Time. The project was to culminate in a live presentation at the Live Ideas Festival in May 2020 . When we began the world was a different place. The pandemic has forced us to postpone the festival to the following year, but it gave the FWR urgency, relevance and determination to continue. The artists, facilitators, advisors, and everyone at the Guild and Live Arts pivoted and adapted the project to a new media, a new timeline, a new world. Regardless of how the project unfolds, this moment speaks eloquently to the power of collaboration and collective thinking. It gives me hope for the future."

    Bill T. Jones
    Artistic Director of New York Live Arts
  • "I'm a member of the Guild because I want to be a part of a dynamic creative community that is tackling the urgent challenges of our times by envisioning a better future — and figuring out how to make it happen."

    Andy Horwitz (member)

Join the Kokoro Circle

Kokoro is a Japanese word for which there is no literal English translation. It is the intersection of heart, mind, and spirit that might be considered a person’s essence, or soul, or center.

The Kokoro Circle is designed to encourage an energetic connection among people who are invested in intentionally building the future of our world. We believe in the spiritual and financial power of a community connected by Kokoro to support the work of future architecture.

Participation in the Kokoro Circle begins at $1,000. Kokoro Circle members will receive special access to our flagship Shared Future Incubator, invitation to participate in the Futurist Writers’ Room (one of our Learning Programs), personal project updates from our senior leadership, curated conversations with future architects working in specific areas of interest, and more.

Partner with the Guild

Partner with GoFA to imagine and prototype new political, economic, social and cultural systems. We offer a suite of Learning Programs for co-creation with our Community of Practice. Through masterful curation and facilitation, we design containers and journeys for those seeking powerful transformation in turbulent times. We work with small groups to large institutions spanning across disciplines, industries and geographies to foster impactful collaboration with both their internal teams and external stakeholders.

Make a Contribution

To join the Kokoro Circle, or learn more about partnerships, please contact Jen Wilson, Director of Partnerships.
